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TechKnow – Digital Inclusion

What is TechKnow?

‘Using technology and knowhow to build a world where everyone is included.’

The world is moving online. Today, digital know-how is no longer a nice-to-have, but is becoming a need-to-know, and those who are unable or reluctant to use basic technologies are most at risk of being left behind. We must tackle this digital gap, so that anyone who wants to – whatever their background, can benefit from the opportunities technology brings.

The TechKnow project is designed to improve digital inclusivity and empower Wirral residents to ‘do digital’ their own way, safely. Providing equipment, know-how and support, we can help individuals to use technology to improve their life – from pursuing interests, achieving goals and making human connections that might otherwise be out of reach.


Using data from the 2021 census:

  • Over 120,000 people in Wirral have limited to no interaction with the internet, which is 38% of population
  • 44.8k do not have access or never engage at all with the internet
  • The e-Withdrawn rate in Wirral is 58% higher than the national average (8.8% of the overall population in the UK versus 13.9%)


We also understand how lack of digital inclusion can impact on wellbeing and health literacy.

  • Alongside this, 11.9% of Wirral population (approx. 38,000 people) say that day to day activities are limited a lot due to long-term illness (included diseases of older age).
  • This compared to 8.3% in England overall
  • 63% of BAME (Black, Asian, European and Minority Ethnic) adults accessing Wirral Change’s services regularly had issues with digital access
  • 20% of those specifically sought Wirral Change advisors to complete digital tasks


How do we do it?

There are 17 organisations involved in the TechKnow project, each with their own focus on how to improve digital inclusivity such as providing group training sessions, running drop-in sessions and sourcing and providing volunteers for activities.

Should you wish to get involved in this project, please contact us.