Community Projects & Services
At One Wirral, we work both collaboratively and independently to identify and resource gaps within our communities by delivering projects and services that can improve wellbeing such as support groups for long-term conditions, health literacy discussions, and volunteering opportunities. Take a look below to find out more about them.
Liverpool City Region Blood Donation Awareness Project
Sickle cell disease the fastest-growing genetic condition in the country, and we’re proud to be part of a dedicated team working to raise awareness, educate, and empower people of Black heritage to become life-saving blood donors.
NHS Community Health Check Scheme
By bringing health checks directly to these communities, we aim to improve cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention and promote overall health and wellbeing - helping to address health inequalities and improve access to preventive health services.
Cancer Early Detection Community Engagement Programme
This initiative seeks to support local communities to reduce their risk of dying from cancer, by improving community understanding and awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer and encouraging appropriate health-seeking behaviour.
Health Literacy
Health care systems can be seen as complicated, and it’s often those with the greatest needs who require the most support, have the lowest levels of health literacy and therefore suffer from poorer health outcomes and lower levels of wellbeing. It is also important to make sure that individuals are digitally included – in an increasingly digital world, individuals should have access to digital and health solutions, so that it does not impact their access to services.
In our office, you will often hear us sharing volunteering news, talking about their important impact and being motivated by their feedback. That’s because our volunteers are truly integral to our projects and initiatives that we deliver across Wirral and they have a really positive impact on our own culture.
Macmillan HOPE Course
One Wirral CIC are now an official deliverer of Macmillan’s HOPE Course (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively). The ‘HOPE Course’ helps people manage the day-to-day impact cancer has on their lives and rediscover their strengths after treatment ends.
Diabetes Education Review
There are over 21,000 people with diabetes in Wirral. Their long-term condition means that they will all have an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, cancer, sight loss, nerve damage, kidney problems and other complications.
Bridging the Gap Together Project
Started to help ‘bridge the gap’ for those on the Wirral living with long-term health conditions such as Long Covid or Fibromyalgia - supporting individuals by developing a personalised plan that combines activities and community peer support.